Home News KDE Applications 19.08 released with improvements in Dolphin and Konsole Tiling

KDE Applications 19.08 released with improvements in Dolphin and Konsole Tiling

by Zohaib Ahsan
Published: Updated:
KDE Applications

The KDE community releases KDE Applications 19.08 and users will find more stability and usability in applications including Dolphin, Konsole, Okular, Kate, and many others.

With this update, KDE has implemented many new features, improvements, and bug-fixes into their software. With that being said, their most prominent work can be found in Dolphin and Konsole. So let’s see what the new KDE applications have in store for its users.

What’s New

The KDE community has quite focused on its file manager, namely Dolphin, with this update. Coming with more ease of access, you can now open it just by pressing Meta + E. Also, there will be less clutter on your desktop, thanks to the new feature of Dolphin.

Another great feature is that Dolphin will now open all the folders that you open with other apps in the form of tabs on the same window, by default. However, it is possible to disable this feature if it’s not to your liking.

With the new information panel of Dolphin, users can now select and copy its text and auto-play media files just by highlighting them. Dolphin also allows you to configure the information panel without opening a separate window. Ultimately, users will also find the software to be less buggy due to the several bug-fixes committed.


Now coming to the new Konsole, the KDE community has vastly improved the tiling functionality with the help of the terminal emulator application. Plus, it is now possible to either horizontally or vertically split the main pane and the sub-panes.

Other than that, Konsole users will be allowed to drag and drop panes, which gives them the freedom to organize the layout as per their needs. Besides, the clarity and usability of the Settings windows have received an upgrade as well.


This update is another attempt at elevating the stability of KDE’s products to the next level. Excluding the changes mentioned above, KDE Applications 19.04 offers a variety of other new features and improvements, which you can get to know more about here.

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