Home News Breathe new life into your aging PC with Zorin OS 15 Lite

Breathe new life into your aging PC with Zorin OS 15 Lite

by Travis Rose
Published: Updated:
Zorin 15 released

Yesterday, Zorin released Zorin OS 15 Lite, the slimmed-down version of its more robust big brother, Zorin OS 15.  The latest lite version of the OS is custom-tailored toward older lower spec laptops and PCs.

Zorin OS 15 Lite Desktop

Zorin OS 15 Lite Desktop

The minimal specs are astonishing considering the aesthetically visual appeal of Zorin’s latest release.  The minimal requirements are as follows:

  • CPU – 700 MHz Single Core
  • RAM – 512 MB
  • Storage – 8 GB
  • Display – 640×480 Resolution

Wow, brings back shades of 2008.

Based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Zorin OS 15 (all versions) use Linux Kernel 5.0 along with the latest release of the lightweight XFCE desktop environment, v4.14.

Other key features of the distro include:

  • Default Flatpak support enabled
  • New Desktop Theme (with six color variants and Light and Dark modes)
  • ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode
  • New ‘Notification’ indicator
Zorin OS 15 Lite Auto Theme

Zorin OS 15 Lite Auto Theme

With Microsoft dropping support for Windows 7 starting in January 2020, Zorin OS developers are undoubtedly targeting those soon-to-be unsupported users.  The XFCE 4.14 DE affords Windows 7 users a familiar, user-friendly look-and-feel.  The integrated Flatpak support doesn’t hurt either.  An even more significant selling point for new Zorin OS 15 Lite users can take heart since it’s based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, support seems inevitable until 2023.

With its excellent new desktop look, low spec-requirements, and at least three years of support to look forward to, Zorin OS 15 Lite is not just an excellent option for Windows 7 refugees.  Linux veterans and newbies alike can also appreciate Zorin’s newest sleek and small distro.

When announcing their newest release, the Zorin OS development team said, “We believe Zorin OS 15 Lite represents the perfect blend of power, performance, and usability with the power to allow anyone to breathe new life into their old computers. We hope that you’ll enjoy using it!”

They nailed it! Both 32-bit and 64-bit ISOs of the new distro are available for download from the official Zorin website.

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