Home News Linux Mint 19.3 “Tricia” beta approved for release, download now

Linux Mint 19.3 “Tricia” beta approved for release, download now

by Travis Rose
Published: Updated:
Linux Mint 19

FOSS Linux first reported back in October that Mint developers plan to release the Linux Mint 19.3 before Christmas.

The announcement was made via their November 2019 newsletter. They added that the team is still optimistic about the official release before Christmas. They did also mentioned that the Linux Mint 19.3 Beta release will be made available for download on Tuesday, December 3, 2019.

“You probably know we’re aiming for a Christmas release this year. All three editions of Linux Mint 19.3 passed QA, and we’ll be announcing the BETA release on Tuesday! We’re excited about this release. The 19.x series is two years old and feels very polished. There are exciting features in 19.3 we haven’t talked about on the blog yet. The software selection changed, and three new apps are coming in. The artwork is new and makes 19.3 feel fresh.” – Clement Lefebvre, Linux Mint Project, and Development Team Leader

All three editions of Linux Mint 19.3 (Cinnamon, MATE, XFCE) have passed QA testing.  Both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of all favors will be available for download.  This version of Linux Mint is codenamed “Tricia.”  Linux Mint developers name all of their releases after women. Major version-number updates (i.e., 18 to 19), the first letter of the codename is changed.  For example, version 18 had “S” names (Sylvia, Sonya), while version 19 releases have “T” names (Tessa, Tina, and soon Tricia).

Linux Mint 19.3 Beta Announced.

Linux Mint 19.3 Beta Announced

New in Linux Mint 19.3

As we noted in our October article, Linux Mint 19.3 includes many changes, including:

  • Date format fixed in the Cinnamon and XFCE editions
  • XAppStatusIcon API efforts including new applets to the Xfce, Cinnamon, and MATE desktop environments
  • HiDPI compatibility for all desktop environments
  • Rendering issues with supported symbolic icons corrected
  • LibAppIndicator patched
  • New splash screens in both Grub and Plymouth
  • MPV-based player, Celluloid 0.17 replaces VLC and Xplayer
  • Gnote 3.34 replaces Tomboy as Linux Mint’s note-taking application
  • XFCE DE updated to 4.14
  • Linux Mint 19.3 includes Xorg 1.20 and kernel 5.0

Linux Mint 19.3 also includes tray support for system reports to better communicate with the Linux Mint community to “document issues, workarounds, and solutions.”

Download Linux Mint 19.3 beta

Impatient Linux Mint users who don’t wish to wait for the official announcement of the Linux Mint 19.3 Beta release can use it today from the Linux Mint Community Site. The ISO is the approved builds set for tomorrow’s public release.

Are you planning to download the beta release?  If so, please let us know below.  Also, if you do, please share any feedback or comments you have.

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Randall December 8, 2019 - 2:35 PM

Working great on my test laptop, Portege R500 with due 1.3 x 2 mhz and 2 gigs of memory. Very smooth and fast.

Travis Rose December 8, 2019 - 2:38 PM

That’s awesome to hear. What’s one or two things that you especially like about the Tricia release? Is there anything you don’t like so far?

Thanks and thanks for reading FOSS Linux,


anosh September 22, 2020 - 9:57 PM

i want to download apps while no phone i have and i was out of work need help i am a beginner


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