Home Beginner's Guide How to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu

How to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu

by Hend Adel
Google Chrome Installation Ubuntu

Ubuntu ships with Firefox as the default web browser. If you were trying to install Google Chrome from the official Ubuntu software center, then it will not work as Chrome is not an open-source application. You may find the Chromium browser which is stripped open-source version of the Chrome browser.

In this beginner’s guide let’s show you various ways of installing the Google Chrome browser on your Ubuntu PC. We shall discuss the command-line as well as the GUI way of doing it.

Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Method 1: Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu using command-line via the Terminal App

Before starting in the installation process, you have to make sure that your system is updated using the following two commands.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Step 1. We shall use the wget command to download Chrome from Google servers. Make sure that the wget is already installed using the following command:

wget --version

If the wget is not installed, you can install it:

sudo apt install wget

Step 2. Download the stable version of the Google Chrome browser deb file with the below command.

wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Download Google Chrome Stable Release on Ubuntu

Download Google Chrome Stable Release on Ubuntu

Step 3. Use the dpkg command to install the downloaded Google Chrome deb file.

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Install Google Chrome Using the DPKG

Install Google Chrome Using the DPKG

Step 4. After the Google Chrome installation is complete, you can open it from your terminal as follows:

Open Google Chrome From Terminal

Open Google Chrome From Terminal

Step 5. For the first time you launch the Google Chrome browser, you should get a prompt. Choose your favorites and click the Ok button.

Google Chrome For the First Time

Google Chrome For the First Time

Step 6. Welcome to your Google Chrome browser, you can now login with your Google account.

Welcome to Google Chrome

Welcome to Google Chrome

Method 2: Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

During this method, we will download and install the Google Chrome browser graphically.

Step 1. From your default web browser which is Firefox on a brand-new Ubuntu installation, launch the Google Chrome website and press the Download Chrome button.

Open Google Chrome Website

Open Google Chrome Website

Step 2. Choose your download option then press the Accept and Install button.

Download Google Chrome Stable Release on Ubuntu GUI Method

Download Google Chrome Stable Release on Ubuntu GUI Method

Step 3. Save the Google Chrome download file.

Save Google Chrome Download File

Save Google Chrome Download File

Step 4. After your download is complete, open the downloads directory.

Press Show All Downloads

Press Show All Downloads

Step 6. Now double click on the downloaded Google Chrome file.

Double Click On the Google Chrome Downloaded File

Double Click On the Google Chrome Downloaded File

Step 7. The Ubuntu software center will open, you can click the Install button to start installing the Google Chrome browser.

Install Google Chrome from Ubuntu Software Center

Install Google Chrome from Ubuntu Software Center

Step 8. As you can see, Google Chrome has installed successfully.

Google Chrome Installed Successfully

Google Chrome Installed Successfully

Step 9. From the top left of your desktop, click on the Activities tab.

Open The Activities Tab

Open The Activities Tab

Step 10. Search for the Google Chrome browser and launch it.

Open Google Chrome

Open Google Chrome

Step 11. To add Google Chrome to your favorites bar, right-click on the Google Chrome icon, then select the Add to Favorites option.

Add Google Chrome To Your Favorites

Add Google Chrome To Your Favorites

That’s all about installing the Official Google Chrome browser on Ubuntu. I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial.

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