Arch Linux is one of the most customizable Linux distributions available, and there are many popular distros based off of it. One of these is BlackArch Linux, a derivative of Arch Linux used for penetration testing.
BlackArch, however, can be a bit bloated, as it contains thousands of different security tools, many of which you will never use or need. Instead of using BlackArch, it is possible to install the BlackArch Linux repositories onto Arch Linux and download only the packages that you need from it.
In this tutorial, we will install the BlackArch Linux repositories onto Arch Linux, and go over using them.
You will need:
- A computer or VM with Arch Linux installed
- A working Internet connection
Install BlackArch Repositories on Arch Linux
1. Install Strap Script
To begin, use curl to retrieve the setup script from the Blackarch website:
# curl -O
2. Change Script Permissions
Now, you must give the script permission to execute:
# chmod +x
3. Run Strap Script
Next, we will install the Blackarch repository by running
# ./

Installing Blackarch repos
Using the Blackarch Repositories
4. Display Software Categories
Now that the Blackarch repositories are installed, you can list the different categories of software in it by using Pacman:
# pacman -Sg | grep blackarch

List categories
5. Display Packages in Category
You can also display all the packages in a specific category with:
NOTE: In this example, we are using the blackarch-wireless category, but it works with any
# pacman -Sgg | grep blackarch-wireless

List packages in the category
6. Install from the Repository
You can install packages from the Blackarch repository either by category or one at a time. To install all the packages in a category with:
# pacman -S blackarch-category
Where blackarch-category is the category, you want to install. To install packages individually:
# pacman -S package-name
Where package-name is the name of the package, you want to install.
Now you have installed the Blackarch Linux repositories onto your system. You also know how to install them and enable your Arch Linux machine into a powerful penetration testing tool.
Is the blackarch on arch linux worth it or should i use blackarch at once.
Hi Kiruba,
BlackArch repos can be installed on a working Arch system, and it also exists as a standalone OS. Honestly, unless you’re in a VM, just use the repos