Home Server Configuring Jenkins Pipeline with SonarQube and GitLab integration

Configuring Jenkins Pipeline with SonarQube and GitLab integration

by Darshana
jenkins pipeline

Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of Jenkin features. It is one of the several ways of defining some Jenkins steps or combination of jobs using code and automate the process of deploying software.

If you haven’t set up Jenkins yet, head over to our Jenkins installation guide for instructions. The pipeline uses a Domain Specific Language(DSL) with two different syntaxes:

  • Declarative Pipeline
  • Scripted Pipeline

In this tutorial, we are going to configure the declarative pipeline with sonar and GitLab integration.

Configuring Jenkins Pipeline with SonarQube and GitLab integration

1. Prerequisites

Installing Pipeline plugin

If you had selected the option install suggested plugins when you configured Jenkins, it should have automatically installed all the needed plugins. If not, don’t worry, you can install the plugins now.

Launch Jenkins and go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available

If you can’t find the Pipeline plugin in the Available section, check the installed tab.

Pipeline Plugin

Pipeline Plugin

Installing Sonar Scanner

Login to Jenkins server first. Here, I am going to download the sonar scanner to the “/opt” folder.

cd /opt

Download using wget.

wget https://binaries.sonarsource.com/Distribution/sonar-scanner-cli/sonar-scanner-cli-

if wget command is not available, you can install it using the following commands:

For Ubuntu / Debian:

apt-get install wget -y

For Centos / Redhat:

yum install wget -y

Back to Sonar, it’s time to unzip downloaded Sonar file.

unzip sonar-scanner-cli-

Install unzip if you get command not found an error.

For Ubuntu / Debian:

apt-get install unzip -y

for Centos / Redhat:

yum install unzip -y

Rename sonar package.

 mv sonar-scanner- sonar-scanner
Rename Sonar Scanner

Rename Sonar Scanner

Go to the sonar directory.

cd sonar-scanner

Get the path.

Sonar Scanner Path

Sonar Scanner Path

Copy sonar scanner path:


Installing Sonar plugin

From Jenkin’s head to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available

Search for Sonar and select SonarQube Scanner and click Install without Restart.

Then Jenkins should install the relevant plugin.

SonarQube Scanner Plugin

SonarQube Scanner Plugin


SonarQube plugin install

SonarQube plugin install

Select Restart Jenkins when the installation is complete. Jenkins should restart.



Configuring Sonar plugins

Go to Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration.

Global Tool Configurations

Global Tool Configurations

Find SonarQube Scanner and click on Add SonarQube Scanner.

Unselect install automatically.

Give any name and paste copied sonar scanner path to SONAR_RUNNER_HOME.

SonarQube Scanner Settings

SonarQube Scanner Settings

Then save configurations.

Configuring Sonarqube server settings

Get SonarQube token from the SonarQube server.

Login to the SonarQube server. Follow our SonarQube server installation guide for install Sonarqube Server.

Go to Administration -> Security -> users.

SonarQube Server

Click on Tokens.



Give any name and click on Generate Token.

Create Token

Create Token

Copy generated Token.

Generated Token

Generated Token

Now go to Jenkins Server.

Click Credentials -> System -> Global Credentials -> Add Credentials.

Add Global Credentials

Add Global Credentials

Select Secret text. Paste copied SonarQube Token to Secret and give any name to ID and description.

SonarQube Credentials

SonarQube Credentials

Adding SonarQube server to Jenkins

Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System.

Find SonarQube servers and click on Add SonarQube.

SonarQube Server Details

SonarQube Server Details

Select Enable on injection of SonarQube server, give any name, and add sonarQube server Url.

Select authentication token from the dropdown menu. The token we added previously should list here.

Adding the sonar-project.properties file to the repository root

Here is our file:

# Required metadata

# Comma-separated paths to directories with sources (required)

# Language
# Encoding of sources files

Finally, click on save.

Integrating GitLab server with Jenkins

Follow our Gitlab guide for Installing and Configuring GitLab.

Go to Credentials -> System -> Global Credentials -> Add Credentials.

Select a username with a password. Add GitLab login credentials and click on OK.

Gitlab Credentials

Gitlab Credentials

Login to Jenkins server and install git.

For Ubuntu/Debian:

apt-get install git -y

For CentOS/Redhat:

yum install git -y

Here we are going to work with the NodeJS app, so shall install it first.

Installing NodeJS plugin

Go to Manage Jenkins -> plugin manager -> available.

Search for NodeJS.

NodeJS Plugin

NodeJS Plugin

Then select the plugin and install without a restart.

Installation Of Plugin

Installation Of Plugin

Click on Restart Jenkins when the installation is complete, and no jobs are running, and Jenkins should restart automatically.

Configuring NodeJS plugin

Click on Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration -> NodeJS

NodeJS Settings

NodeJS Settings

Give any name. Here we have selected install automatically and NodeJS 10.

Save the configurations.

Creating a declarative pipeline

Go to Jenkins dashboard, click on New Item. Then enter an item name and select the ‘Pipeline’ project. Click OK.

Create Pipeline

Create a Pipeline

Select Pipeline Script

Select Pipeline Script

Select Pipeline Script

Here is the simple pipeline script for git clone, SonarQube quality check, and NodeJS.

pipeline {
         agent any
         tools {nodejs "fosslinuxnode"}

    stages {
        stage("Code Checkout") {
            steps {
                git branch: 'development',
                credentialsId: 'fosslinuxgitlablogin',
                url: 'https://git.fosslinux.com/demo/fosslinux-demo.git'
         stage('Code Quality') {
                   steps {
                       script {
                          def scannerHome = tool 'fosslinxsonar';
                          withSonarQubeEnv("fosslinxSonarqubeserver") {
                          sh "${tool("fosslinxsonar")}/bin/sonar-scanner"

         stage("Install Dependencies") {
                                  steps {
                                        sh "npm install"


         stage("unit Test") {
                            steps {
                                sh "npm test"


Add the above pipeline script and save it.

Pipeline Script

Pipeline Script

Pipeline Concepts

a) Pipeline: This is a user-defined block that contains all the processes, such as build, deploy, etc.

b) Agent: The agent section specifies where the entire Pipeline, or a specific stage, will execute in the Jenkins environment depending on where the agent section is placed.

c) Any: This option runs the pipeline/stage on any available agent.

d) Stage: A stage block contains a series of steps in a pipeline. That is, the clone, build, deploy, etc. process a stage.

e) Steps: A series of steps can be added into a stage block. Simply this is a single task that executes a specific process. Now click on build.

Build the Job

Build the Job

The pipeline should start to run.

Pipeline Running

Pipeline Running

Here is a completed pipeline:

Completed Pipeline

Completed Pipeline

That’s all about installing and configuring Jenkins Pipeline.

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Arun Kumar June 3, 2020 - 12:08 AM

Hi I found this tutorial very helpful, but I’ve one doubt that where to add the “sonar-project.properties” file, u mentioned it in root repository that means in sonar-scanner installed repository or in the jenkins path i.e. “/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/$JOB_NAME/”, can you please make me this clear as I’m getting error while executing the pipeline.

poonam June 24, 2021 - 12:17 PM

please add “sonar-project.properties” file in jenkins workspace folder.
with below values
sonar.projectName= xyz

# Required metadata

# Language

Naresh June 18, 2020 - 3:23 AM

Hi, thanks for your helpful video, I am stuck here to start the elasticsearch service. I am getting this error “systemctl restart wazuh-manager.service
Job for wazuh-manager.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See “systemctl status wazuh-manager.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details.

Please help me.

Cornelius Nyibeche July 23, 2020 - 10:49 PM

I had that same issue and i solved it by going into /opt/sonarqube/bin/Linux_64_86/ and ran ./sonar.sh to stop the service running.
Then i then went and configured systemd and it worked.

bkb August 14, 2020 - 4:14 AM

Hi, thanks for your helpful Articale.

ellie May 18, 2021 - 11:17 AM

Thank you for this article. It saved me a lot of hours configuring jenkins and sonar on container

Balaji July 16, 2021 - 8:23 AM

When i try to run my Jenkins job. following error is displayed.

+ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/jenkins.plugins.nodejs.tools.NodeJSInstallation/sonardemo/bin/sonar-scanner
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/demosonar@tmp/durable-f32cf5e2/script.sh: 1: /var/lib/jenkins/tools/jenkins.plugins.nodejs.tools.NodeJSInstallation/sonardemo/bin/sonar-scanner: not found
[Pipeline] }
WARN: Unable to locate ‘report-task.txt’ in the workspace. Did the SonarScanner succeed?

can some one ;et me know what was the error.


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