Home Fedora How to install Cinnamon Desktop on Fedora

How to install Cinnamon Desktop on Fedora

by Hend Adel
Published: Updated:
install cinnamon on fedora

By default, Fedora workstation comes with a GNOME desktop installed. If you do not prefer the GNOME environment look, and would like to try Linux Mint’s Cinnamon desktop, you can install it on your Fedora.

For those new to Cinnamon DE, it is a free and open-source desktop environment that can be used for the X Window systems. One of the best advantages of using the Cinnamon desktop is that it is faster, flexible, and appeals to the people who used Windows operating system.

Before starting in our installation process, you need to make sure that your Fedora is up-to-date using the command:

sudo dnf update

Install Cinnamon Desktop Environment On Fedora

Step 1. Before installing a new desktop environment, you can list all the available desktops first using the following command.

dnf grouplist -v
List All Available Desktop Environments

List All Available Desktop Environments

As you can see in the screenshot, the command gives you all the desktops you can download. So you can choose anyone to download.

Step 2. Now to install the Cinnamon, use the following command.

sudo dnf install @cinnamon-desktop-environment

Kindly note that the “@” sign is mandatory for the command to run successfully.

Install Cinnamon Desktop in Fedora

Install Cinnamon Desktop in Fedora

As you can see in the screenshot, there will be several packages that need to be installed. So this process may take a longer time depends on your internet connection.

Download Required Packages

Download Required Packages

Step 3. Now you are ready to boot to your new Cinnamon desktop environment. First, reboot your system or simply logout.

Reboot Your Fedora System

Reboot Your Fedora System

Step 4. From the login screen, press the preference button, as you can see in the below screenshot.

Select Preference Menu Before Signing In

Select Preference Menu Before Signing In

Now choose the Cinnamon desktop.

Choose Cinnamon Desktop Option

Choose Cinnamon Desktop Option

Step 5. Welcome to your new Cinnamon desktop.

Welcome To Your Cinnamon Desktop

Welcome To Your Cinnamon Desktop

Your Cinnamon Fedora menu will look like the below screen.

Fedora Menu In The Cinnamon Desktop

Fedora Menu In The Cinnamon Desktop

Step 6. To get the Cinnamon version, from the Fedora menu search for the System information application and open it.

System Information

System Information

The System information application will look like the below screen:

Fedora System Information

Fedora System Information

Congratulations, you have just installed and enabled the Cinnamon desktop environment. Let us, what do you think about it?

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Cesar Hernandez September 18, 2020 - 2:13 PM

Thanks for the post.

oempaloempa December 2, 2021 - 12:59 AM

Thank you!

AlexT October 20, 2022 - 5:18 PM


Peter April 22, 2023 - 2:53 PM

Long time ago, installing several different desktops was very common but it was know that some compatibilities appear, specially if the different desktops are based on the same main desktop like in this case GNOME and Cinnamon. Are there any caveats for installing both? Work the OS and all the updates smoothly after installing both?


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