If you are coming from Microsoft Windows background like me, you should have know how handy is the Windows Key + E combination for launching the File Explorer. In the Linux world, the Windows key is referred as the ‘Super’ key.
Several Linux distros including the Linux Mint, elementary OS, Ubuntu come with default settings to use the Super Key + E to launch Files. When I started hands on Manjaro GNOME edition, I saw this key combination didn’t work. Alright, got some tweak to do, and so this article.
Launch File Explorer (Home) for SUPER Key + E
STEP 1: Go to ‘Settings’.

Manjaro Settings
STEP 2: Click on ‘Devices’ located at the bottom of the Settings app.

Settings App > Devices
STEP 3: On the right pane, click on ‘Keyboard’.

Keyboard Settings
STEP 4: Right pane displays all the keyboard shortcuts that exist in your system. In the ‘Launchers’ section, you should ‘Home folder’ item. It will be assigned to ‘Explorer’. We need to change it to Super+E combination. Double-click on the ‘Home folder’ then press the Super key (Windows key on Windows based PC) and E together. You should see it getting assigned immediately. Click ‘Set’ and close the settings app.

Set Windows+E Shortcut
STEP 5: That’s it! Try pressing the Super + E. You should see File explorer open up.

Manjaro File Explorer
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how in KDE?