Home Server Configuring GitLab Container Registry, CI Pipeline with SonarQube

Configuring GitLab Container Registry, CI Pipeline with SonarQube

by Darshana
GItlab container registry

In today’s tutorial, we are going to use the GitLab container registry to store images. Please refer to our GitLab guide for GitLab installation and configurations.

Let’s get started with installing container first.

1. Configure Container Registry

Navigate to the admin area, and the first thing you notice is the Container registry is turned off by default setting.

Container Registry

Container Registry turned off

Install Container registry

We should modify the GitLab configuration file. Enter the following command:

a) Modify gitlab.rb

vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

Change the following line:

registry_external_url 'https://gitlab.fosslinux.com:5050'
Registry Url

Registry Url

Now the registry URL is listening on HTTPS under the existing GitLab URL with a different port.

b) After modification, you need to reconfigure Gitlab.

gitlab-ctl reconfigure


Once done, go to the admin area, and this time, you should see it enabled.

Container Registry

Container Registry

c) Test the container login from a different machine. However, note that the Docker should be installed on that system.

docker login gitlab.fosslinux.com:5050

Docker Login

The default images store location is as follows:


If you want to change the path, use VIM to edit it.

vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

Change the following line:

gitlab_rails['registry_path'] = "/path/to/registry/storage"

Then reconfigure.

gitlab-ctl reconfigure

2. Creating a Project

We shall create a new project for a pipeline. To do that, go to the Admin Area.

Click  On Admin

Click  On Admin

You should see Admin Area similar to this:

Admin Area

Then click on the New Group.

Create Group

Create a Group

You can give any name to your group. Then type a name for the project URL. Visibility level is “Private” here; we created a group called “gitdemo.”

Then again Go to Admin Area -> New Project

New Project

New Project

Give a name for the project. Select the previously created group for the project.

After creating a Project, you can add a sample file to the repository.

3. Enable container registry for project

Go to Project settings -> General and then expand Visibility, Projet Features, Permissions.

Then enable the Container registry.

Enable Registry For Project

Enable Registry For Project


Now go your project, and you can see the container registry under the packages section.

Added To Sidebar

Added To Sidebar

4. Disable AutoDevops

Go to your project -> Settings -> CICD

Disable Auto Devops

Disable Auto DevOps

Then expand Auto DevOps and unselect “Default to Auto DevOps pipeline.”

Disable Feature

Disable Feature


5. Create an SSH Key from the client/developer machine

Here we are going to create ssh key and authenticate with our GitLab. After that, we can push, pull, clone git repositories from our client machine.

a) Run the following the command to generate key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "darshana@fosslinux.com"
Create Key

Create Key

b) Copy public key:

cat ~/.ssh/is_rsa_pub
Get Key

Get Key

Now login to the GitLab server. Go to Profile -> SSH Keys

c) Add Copied key to key section and save.

Add Key GitLab

Add Key GitLab

d) Now we need to get Url for Clone repo using SSH.

Go to your project -> Clone.

Copy clone with ssh URL.

Clone Repo

Clone Repo

Before we are going to clone the repository to our machine, we need to install “git ”

Install git on client-server:

yum install git -y

Now we are going to Clone the repository and push our code to the Gitlab repository.

Git global setup

git config --global user.name "Darshana"
git config --global user.email "darshana@fosslinux.com"

Run the following command to clone the repository:

git clone git@git.fosslinuxcom:gitdemo/fosslinux.git
Clone Repository

Clone Repository

Copy your source code to the cloned folder.

Go to the cloned folder:

cd fosslinux

Now push code to the repository:

git add .
git status
git commit -m "demo Project files"
git push

6. Install GitLab Runner

It is recommended to install GitLab Runner on a server separate from where GitLab is installed. You can install it on the same server, too, if you still want it that way.

Here we are going to use Docker executor; therefore, we should install Docker before using the Runner.

a) The Docker executor

GitLab Runner can use Docker to run jobs on user-provided images due to the use of Docker executor.

The Docker executor, when used with GitLab CI, connects to Docker Engine and runs each build in a isolated container using the predefined image that is configured in the Gitlab CI file. We will see the Gitlab CI file when we discuss the Pipeline.

Install repository:
curl -L https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-runner/script.deb.sh | bash
Runner Repo

Runner Repo

Install Runner:
apt-get install gitlab-runner
Install Runner

Install Runner

Check Runner status:

gitlab-runner status
Runner Status

Runner Status

Register Runner

Here we are going to add a shared Runner. Go to Admin Area -> Runners.

Shared Runner

Shared Runner

Then you can see Set up a shared Runner manually section. We need our Gitlab Url and token for the registered Runner.

Runner Token

Runner Token

Run Register Runner

Run the following command to register the Runner.

gitlab-runner register
Register Runner

Register Runner

It should ask a few questions. Answer the following questions.

a) Enter your GitLab instance URL:

Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g. https://gitlab.com )

b) Enter the token you obtained to register the Runner:

Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner

c) Enter a description for the Runner; you can change this later in GitLab’s UI:

Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner
[hostname] Docker-runner

d) Enter the tags associated with the Runner; you can change this later in GitLab’s UI:

Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated):

e) Enter the Runner executor:

Please enter the executor: ssh, docker+machine, docker-ssh+machine, kubernetes, docker, parallels, virtualbox, docker-ssh, shell:

f) If you chose Docker as your executor, you’d be asked for the default image to be used for projects that do not define one in .gitlab-ci.yml:

Please enter the Docker image (eg. ruby:2.6):

Now Runner registered successfully.

Restart Runner
gitlab-runner restart

Now refresh the Runners page (Admin Area -> Runners). You can see the newly added Runner.

Newly Added Runner

Newly Added Runner

We need to modify some settings for the Runner. So click on the token.

Shared Runner Setting

Shared Runner Setting

Then select “Run untagged jobs” and save changes.

Untagged Projects

Untagged Projects

Change Gitlab runner configurations

We are going to use docker-in-docker (dind) mode in the GitLab pipeline, So we have to use privileged = true in our Docker containers. Therefore we are going to enable privileged mode.

Edit configuration file:

vim /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
Runner Mode

Runner Mode

Change the “privileged” section.

privileged = true

After modification, you can see a file similar to this.

Modified Runner

Modified Runner

Then restart Runner.

gitlab-runner restart

7. Configure variables for GitLab PipeLine

Add container registry variables

Click on project -> Settings ->CICD -> Variables (click on Expand).



Add the following to the key and add value.


Adding Variable Values

Adding Variable Values

Here you need to add GitLab login and password.

Integrate with SonarQube Server

Get SonarQube token and add it to GitLab. Login to SonarQube Server.

Go to Administration > click on Security > Users > Click on Tokens

Sonar Token

Sonar Token

It should open a token Window.

Generate Token

Generate Token

Generate token with any name -> Copy the token.

New Token

New Token

Copy token and go to GitLab again. Click on project -> Settings ->CICD -> Variables

Add a new variable.


Paste sonar token to “SONARQUBE_TOKEN” value.

8. Create a Pipeline

Following files should be in the repository folder

a) Dockerfile

We need a docker file to build our image. Follow our docker file guide.

Here is our docker file:

FROM ddarshana/alpinenode10

ENV NODE_ENV=production
RUN apk add --update curl && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
RUN mkdir /app

COPY package.json .

RUN npm install
COPY . .

CMD ["npm", "start"]

Go to your project and create a new file called “Docker File.”

Add Docker File

Add Docker File

b) Add sonar-project.properties

Sonar property file should be in our source code root directory to send scan data to SonarQube Server.

Here is our file:

# Required metadata

# Comma-separated paths to directories with sources (required)

# Language
# Encoding of sources files

Go to your project and create “sonar-project.properties.”

Add Sonar Property File

Add Sonar Property File

I. Create a GitLab-CI file

Go to your project and create a file called “.gitlab-ci.yml.”

Pipeline File

Pipeline File

This is our file.

- Lint images
- Codequality
- Build and publish images

DOCKER_REGISTRY: gitlab.fosslinux.com:5050
APP_NAME: fosslinux

stage: Lint images
image: node:4-alpine
- master
- npm install -g dockerlint && npm cache clean
- find ./ -name Dockerfile -exec dockerlint {} \;

stage: Codequality
image: ddarshana/alpine-sonarscanner
- sonar-scanner -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonar.fosslinux.com -Dsonar.login=$SONARQUBE_TOKEN -Dsonar.projectVersion=$CI_PIPELINE_ID -Dsonar.projectName=$CI_PROJECT_NAME+$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME
- master

stage: Build and publish images 
image: docker:18.09.7
- docker:18.09.7-dind
- master


- docker build . -t $DOCKER_REGISTRY/gitdemo/$APP_NAME:$CI_PIPELINE_ID
- echo "pushed image $APP_NAME:$CI_PIPELINE_ID"
- docker logout $DOCKER_REGISTRY

Here we have defined three stages for our Pipeline:

- Lint images 
- Codequality 
- Build and publish images

Variables are set for the docker registry and Application name.

DOCKER_REGISTRY: gitlab.fosslinux.com:5050 
APP_NAME: fosslinux

Once you commit changes to the master branch, the Pipeline should start.

Pipeline Started

Pipeline Started

As you see, the Pipeline is running. You can see the stages of the Pipeline.



If all stages are a success, you can see the output as follows.

Completed Pipeline

Completed Pipeline

You can click on any stages and see their logs.

Output Of Stage

Output Of Stage

a) Check the container registry.

Project -> Packages -> container registry

Pushed Image

Pushed Image

Then you can see our image.

b) Check Sonar report

Login to SonarQube, and you can see the report for our project.

Sonar Report

Sonar Report

That’s all about creating a GitLab pipeline with GitLab container service and Sonarqube integration.

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niko December 10, 2021 - 7:27 AM

Excellent tutorial. Thank you

Sean May 10, 2022 - 12:51 AM

great tutorial

NuN May 11, 2022 - 8:13 AM

Hey, very informative article 😀 I have a couple of doubts would be helpful if you can clarify these.
What is the real purpose of container registry here? can we store the docker image of SonarQuebe in the GitLab container registry and pull it from there during the pipelines, if so how?

Thanks in advance.


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